A long overdue blog update…


The success story of my favorite book store

Literati Bookstore

There was a moment during last June’s David Sedaris reading when I looked around and thought, “Is this real?”


Many people thought we were nuts opening a bookstore in a city where a bunch of bookstores closed down. And yet, here was this wonderful author who drew 350+ people (including people who waited outside at 2:30am for tickets) and was in the prime of his career reading at the store. It was a moment when I looked around and thought, “Hey, maybe we can actually do this.” Until that point, it had been go-go-go. We hadn’t had a chance to reflect, constantly moving, scanning, shelving… Then, we finally stopped and simply listened to David, my heart swelled with an immeasurable amount of thanks for everyone who had helped us get this far, this quickly.

goodnight books


Since the David Sedaris reading (who was amazing and signed books until 1am), we’ve had a…

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