Librariness — When a Branch Becomes the Root

library service

A tweet by David Weinberger caught my attention:

This project to strengthen the role of library branches (in NYC) is much more promising for communicating the importance of libraries for a community, for society at large, than building prestigious central libraries and neglecting (or even: closing) its branches.

(And honestly, I don’t buy the argument that we can have both: a modern, representative central library as well as a widespread and attractive system of neighborhood libraries.)

Read more about librariness.

One thought on “Librariness — When a Branch Becomes the Root

  1. Durchdachtes Konzept, beeindruckend sind Storytelling und Visualisierung. Klingt vielversprechend. Ich hoffe, es kommt durch.
    Als Entscheiderin über FInanzen würde ich ja fragen, was man jetzt in der Branch Library tun kann, was man nirgendwo anders tun kann? Die Branch Library als linchpin der community learning activities?

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